Dream Big, Work Hard, Crack The NEET

Don’t just dream of a successful medical career – make it a reality with SRI LAKSHYA SADHANA MEDICAL ACADEMY
చక్కని ప్రిపరేషన్‌తో మీరు కష్టపడే ప్రతి గంట డాక్టర్ కావాలనే మీ కలలకు చేరువ చేస్తుంది.

Competition is High, Confidence Most be High

Join our NEET coaching for a structured and effective preparation. Comprehensive study plans, regular assessments, and expert guidance to help you achieve your medical goals.

Chemistry is A pillar for Our Academy

Chemistry is A pillar for Our Academy It’s a propeller to Your Medical Career

Don’t underestimate the impact of chemistry on your NEET journey!

Brand Of Future Medicos

Struggling to crack NEET Exam?

Look no further!

Sri Lakshya Sadhana NEET Academy is here to guide you towards success!

Structured and Effective Preparation
Comprehensive study plans, 
Regular assessments, and 
Expert guidance to help you achieve your medical goals.

What We Do for NEET Aspirants

Conceptual Clarity

conceptual clarity is crucial for NEET aspirants
Understanding the core concepts, Application of knowledge, Connecting concepts, Problem-solving ability helps them perform well

Continuous Assessment

Continuous assessment ensures that students receive ongoing feedback and support, allowing them to monitor their progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make necessary adjustments to their study strategies.

Effective Time Management

Creating a Study Schedule, Prioritize Topics, Set Realistic Goals, Practice Time-Bound Tests can optimize their study efforts, minimize stress, and maximize their chances of success in the exam.

90+ Students got Medical seats from last 3 years 

Trust us to guide you towards a bright future 

Enroll now and take the first step towards your goals!

From One Step Short to Little Dream!
To The One Step Ahead Of Big Dream!

Are You Ready ?

Looking for the perfect launchpad to skyrocket your NEET scores? 
Welcome to Sri Lakshya Sadhana NEET Academy, where we nurture talent and transform aspirations into achievements!

Joining Sri Lakshya Sadhana NEET Academy was the best decision I made for my NEET preparation. The teachers were excellent, the classes were interactive, and the environment was so motivating. I’m grateful for their support in helping me crack the exam

Medical Student


Sri Lakshya Sadhana NEET Academy not only helped me with academics but also provided a supportive environment where I could thrive. The faculty’s dedication and encouragement boosted my confidence, and I’m proud to say I achieved my goal of getting into a top medical college. Thank you..

Medical Student


I’m so grateful Sri Lakshya Sadhana Academy for guiding me through the NEET exam preparation. The faculty members were knowledgeable and approachable, and the study materials were spot on. Thanks to their constant support, I was able to secure a good rank in the NEET exam and pursue my passion for medicine

Medical Student

Let’s Creak NEET Together!

Don’t settle for anything less than excellence!